Encabezado Facultad de Ciencias

Matemáticas Aplicadas (plan 2017) 2025-1

Séptimo Semestre, Inglés V

Grupo 6038, 15 lugares. 15 alumnos.
Profesor Lidia Fabiola Quevedo Rojas mi 14 a 16 Moodle
11 a 13 Sincrónica

Welcome to English V!


After you finish this course, you will be able to:

  • Communicate in typical situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
  • Describe in simple terms aspects of your background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
  • Produce simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Modality: Virtual -synchronous- and (Moodle) -asynchronous- https://ingles.fciencias.unam.mx/cursos/

Period: From Monday August 5th to Friday November 24th, 2024.

Learning style: Flipped learning (you are responsible of your learning by means of studying the content on the platform and by doing the quizzes and assignments).

The subject implies four hours a week. Two hours of asynchronous work on Moodle, and two hours of synchronous practice on line by Zoom. Zoom sessions will be held on Saturdays from 11 to 13 h.

You must be aware that, according to your learning needs, you might require more time to master the content and skills of the course.

Teacher’s email address – martha.riveroll@ciencias.unam.mx


U1M1 Infinitives and Gerunds

U1M2 Have to, don´t have to, must, must not,


U2M1 Should, get, possessive pronouns

U2M2 First Conditional

U3M1 Second Conditional

U3M2 Present Perfect + for and since / Present

perfect or simple past?

U4M1 Passive Voice

First exam

U4M2 Used to and might

U5M1 Prepositions of movement and phrasal verbs

U5M2 So, Neither + Auxiliaries / Past Perfect

U6M1 Reported Speech

U6M2 Questions without auxiliaries

Second Exam



Collaborative participation on Zoom activities


(two partial exams)




Your participation in these sessions will give you the speaking score.



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