Encabezado Facultad de Ciencias

Matemáticas (plan 1983) 2022-2

Optativas de los Niveles VII y VIII, Seminario de Filosofía de la Ciencia I

Grupo 4267, 65 lugares. 15 alumnos.
Ciencia griega: cosmología, física ...
Profesor José Rafael Martínez Enríquez lu mi vi 12 a 13
Ayudante María del Pilar Piñones Contreras ma ju 12 a 13

📜 Descripción del curso

En este Seminario I se abordarán los siguientes temas relativos a la Cosmología y Física Griega:

  1. La génesis del saber: observaciones, integración de experiencias, abstracciones, formación de conceptos.
  2. Astronomía antigua.
  3. El enfoque “científico”: la escuela jónica desde Tales, Anaximandro, Anaxímenes, etc.
  4. Pitágoras y su escuela.
  5. El problema de la materia: atomismo griego y estoicismo.
  6. La creación del mundo y los elementos según Platón.
  7. El cosmos aristotélico: la Física y el De Caelo.
  8. El problema del infinito: Zenón de Elea y Aristóteles.
  9. La curación del alma y del cuerpo. Medicina griega y romana.
  10. Tecnología antigua.

La sesión introductoria tendrá lugar el lunes 14 de febrero del presente, a las 12 horas, vía Zoom (ID de reunión: 822 3311 3245)

Puedes ingresar desde el siguiente enlace directo: https://cuaieed-unam.zoom.us/j/82233113245

📚 Bibliografía

Barnes, J. Presocratics-Arg Philosophers. Routledge, 2013.

Barton, T. Ancient astrology. Routledge, 2002.

Barentine, J. C. The lost constellations: A history of obsolete, extinct, or forgotten star lore. Springer, 2015.

Clagett, Marshall. Greek Science in Antiquity. Ayer Co Pub, 1995.

Cohen, Morris Bames, Jonathan. Early Greek Philosophy. Penguin Classics, 2002.

R. y I. E. Drabkin. A Source Book in Greek Science (Source Books in the History of the Sciences). Harvard University Press, 1948.

Corradi, Massimo. The Mechanical Sciences in Antiquity. Edizione di Storia, Scienza, Tecnica, 2008.

Couprie, Dirk L. Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology: From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus. Springer; 1 st Edition. edition (April 6, 2011)

Dietrich, Thomas. The Origin of Culture and Civilization: The Cosmological Philosophy of the Ancient Worldview Regarding Myth, Astrology, Science, and Religion. Tumkey Press, 2005.

Evans, J. The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. Oxford Univ. Press, USA, 1998.

Freely, John. Flame of Miletus: The Birth ofScience in Ancient Greece (and how it changed the world). IB Tauris, 2012.

French, Roger. Ancient Natural Philosphy. Routledge, (1994) 2005.

Grafton, A. Starry Messengers: Recent Work in the History to Western Astrology.

Perspectives on Science, 8(1), 2000. 70-83

Graham, Daniel. Science befare Socrates: Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New Astronomy. Oxford U. P., 2013.

______ Explaining the Cosmos: The lonian Tradilion of Scieritijic Philosophy. Princeton U. P., 2006.

Green, Steven J. , Katharina Volk. Forgotten Stars: Rediscovering Manilius' Astronomica. Oxford University Press, USA (May 19, 2011).

Gregory, Andrew. Ancient Greek Cosmogony. Duckworth Publishers, 2008.

_______ Eureka: The Birth of Science. lean Books, 1999.

Heath, Sir Thomas. Aristarchus of Samos: The Ancient Copernicus (Dover Books on

Astronomy) Dover Publications, 2004.

Hoskin, Michael. The Cambridge Concise History of Astronomy. Cambridge University

Press, 1999.

Hoskin, Michael. The History of Astronomy: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press (July 31, 2003)

Irby-Massie Georgia L. , Paul T. Keyser. Greek Science of the Hellenistic Era: A Sourcebook. Routledge, 2001.

Kelley, David H. Exploring Ancient Skies: A Survey of Ancient and Cultural Astronomy. Springer, 2011.

Keyser, Paul T., and Georgia L. Irby-Massie. Encyclopedia of ancient natural scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs. Routledge, 2008.

Kirk, G. & J. Raven. The Presocratic Philosophers. Cambridge University Press, 1973.

Kirk, G. & J. E. Raven, M. Schofield. The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts. Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Krebs, Robert E. Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, lnventions, and Discoveries of the Ancient World. Greenwood, 2003.

McKirahan, R. D. Philosophy Before Socrates: An Introduction with Texts and Commentary. Hackett P. Co., 2011.

Lang, Helen. The Order of Nature in Aristotle 's Physics. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Lloyd, G. E. R. Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle. W. W. Norton & Company, 1974.

______ The Way and the Word: Science and Medicine in Early China and Greece. Yale University Press, 2003.

Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Dover Publications, 1969.

Pedersen, Olaf. Early Physics and Astronomy. Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Russo, Lucio. The Forgotten Revolution: How Science was Born in 300 B. C. and Why it Had to be Reborn. Springer, 2004.

Samuel Sambursky. The Physical World of the Greeks. Princeton Univ Press, 1987.

_______ Physics ofthe Stoics. Princeton Univ Press, 1987.

Sarton, George. Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece. Dover Pub., 2011.

Sassi, Maria Michela. The science of man in ancient Greece. University of Chicago Press, 2001.

Sassi, Maria Michela. The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece. Princeton University Press, 2018.


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