Encabezado Facultad de Ciencias

Presentación del grupo 8223 - 2012-1.


Clase 1 Los primeros hombres en la luna, Wells

Clase 2 Siglo XIX (capítulo Fayter)

Clase 3 Las sirenas de Titán, Kurt Vonnegut

Clase 4 Siglo XX (capítulo Steinmüller)

Clase 5 Ciberiada, Stanislav LemClase 6 Imagen del científico (artículo Haynes)

Clase 7 Crónicas marcianas, Ray Bradbury

Clase 8 A la luz de la bomba (capítulos Boyer)

Clase 9 La amenaza de Andrómeda, Michael Crichton

Clase 10 Microbios del espacio (artículo Wolfe)

Clase 11 Presentación de anteproyecto

Clase 12 Cómics (que cada quién traiga, yo: Farenheit 451)

Clase 13 Superhéroes (artículo Locke)

Clase 14 Blade Runner, Ridley Scott

Clase 15 Apropiación (artículo Milburn 2010)


Beer, Gillian (1996), “Science and Literature”, en Olby, Companion to the History of Modenr Science, Routledge.

Boyer, P. (1985), By the Bomb’s Early Light. American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.

Bradbury, Ray (2005), Crónicas marcianas, Minotauro, Barcelona.

Crichton, Michael (2007), La amenaza de Andrómeda, Ediciones deBolsillo, Barcelona.

Fayter, P. (1997), “Strange new worlds of space and time: late Victorian Science and Science Fiction”, en B. Lightman, Victorian Science in Context, (Ed),Chicago University Press, Chicago.

Haynes, Roslyn (2003), “From alchemy to artificial intelligence: stereotypes of the scientist in Western literature”, Public Understanding of Science, 12, pp243-253.

Lem, Stanislav (1998), Ciberiada, Alianza, Madrid.

Locke, Simon (2005) ”Fantastically Reasonable: Ambivalence in the representation of Science and Technology in super-hero comic” Public Understanding of Science. vol. 14, pp25-46.

Luckhurst, Roger (2005), Science Fiction, Polity Press, Cambridge.Milburn, Colin (2002), “Nanotechnology in the Age of Poshuman Engineering: Science Fiction as Science”, Configurations, 10, 2, pp261-295.

Milburn, Colin (2010), “Modifiable Futures: Science Fiction at the Bench”, Isis, 101, pp560-560.

Pansegrau, Petra (2003), “Perception and Representation of Science in Literature and Fiction Film”, Public Understanding of Science. vol 12, pp227-228

Steinmüller, K. (1997) “Science Fiction and Science in the Twentieth Century”, en Krige, J. y Pestre, D., Science in the Twentieth Century, Harwood, Amsterdam, p.339-360.

Vonnegut, Kurt, (2004), Las sirenas de Titán, Minotauro, Barcelona.

Weingart, Peter; Claudia Muhl y Petra Pansegrau. (2003) “Of power maniacs and unethical geniuses: science and Scientists in fiction film” en Public Understanding of Science. vol. 12., pp279-287.

Wells, H.G., Los primeros hombres en la luna.

Wolfe, Audra J. (2002) “Germs in Space: Joshua Lederberg, Exobiology, and the Public Imagination, 1958-1964” Isis, vol.90, no. 2, p. 183


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