Encabezado Facultad de Ciencias

Presentación del grupo 5126 - 2011-1.

El objetivo general del taller es formar a los alumnos en los métodos de investigación relacionados con la generación de conocimientos originales en las áreas de la Biología Celular y Molecular en general y en particular en los temasque se trabajan en el Laboratorio de Microscopía Electrónica del Depto. de Biología Celular.Estos temas son: Núcleo Celular Interfásico, Meiosis y Muerte celular.1) En el área de núcleo interfásico estamos estudiando la distribución tridimensional de la cromatina laxa y compacta en todo el volumen nuclear de células de diversos órganos de mamíferos, sobre todo en aquellos cuyas células permanecen en interfase durante mucho tiempo y que cambian su actividad metabólica drásticamente en diversos momentos de su funcionamiento normal. Estos estudios se realizan empleando técnicas específicas para la observación tri-dimensional del ADN con el microscopio electrónico. Los resultados permitirán conocer los espacios tridimensionales de cromatina laxa en transcripción y posteriormente sus relaciones con algunas partículas RNP y con cúmulos de gránulos intercromatinianos tradicionalmente considerados sitios de splicing.Cabe señalar que las técnicas empleadas para la localización tri-dimensional del ADN en núcleos completos no se realizan prácticamente en ningún otro laboratorio en el mundo.2) En relación con la meiosis investigamos varios puntos:A) Las cohesinas específicamente meióticas, en qué etapas de la meiosis aparecen, a qué estructuras se unen, qué alteraciones se producen si se interfiere con los procesos normales.B) Caracterización dela fase S meiótica, que es la antes llamada pre-meiótica. Esta fase se caracteriza por durar más tiempo que las fases S mitóticas, por la incorporación de cohesinas meióticas a los cromosomas, por la presencia de estructuras y conformación de la cromatina distintas a las existentes en las fases S mitóticas (descritas en trabajos anteriores y trabajos en curso de este Lab.). C) Estudio de las alteraciones experimentales de los espermatocitos en estas fases.

3) Hemos estudiados la muerte celular en ovarios de ratas prepúberes y hemos caracterizado diversos procesos de muerte. Entre ellos la destrucción de los ovocitos por un proceso que involucra características metabólicas de dos tipos de muerte celular coexistiendo en EL MISMO OVOCITO. Para más seguridad verificamos esos hallazgos en ovocitos en sobrevida in vitro.

Los resultados deestas líneas de trabajo se han publicado en los siguientes artículos:

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría, O.M.; Molina, E.; Fragoso, J. Effects of ovariectomy and estradiol injection on nuclear structures of endometrial epithelial cells. Acta Anatomica (Basilea)102; 308-318; 1978.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría, O.M.; Pedron, J. Ultrastructural and autoradiographic study of the effects of bleomycin on the interphase nucleus of cultured normal cells. Cancer Res. 39; 4218-4223; 1979.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría, O.M.; Pedron, J. Effects of estradiol on the ribonucleoprotein constituents of the nucleus of cultured endometrial epithelial cells. Biol. Cell. 35; 221-228; 1979. 2

Echeverría, O.M.; Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Pedron, J. A rapid method for the isolation and culture of endometrial epithelial cells responsive to estradiol. Acta Anatomica (Basilea) 106; 45-56; 1980.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Ortega Rangel, J.A.; Echeverría, O.M. Nuclear aspects of neuroblast differentiation in the chick embryo. Biol. Cell. 39; 143-146; 1980.

Echeverría, O.M.; Zavala, G.; Benítez, A.; Vázquez Nin, G.H. Changes during estral cycle in the nucleus of endometrial cells of the rat. Biol. Cell. 39; 139-142; 1980.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Ortega Rangel, J.A.; Echeverría, O.M.; Parra, M. del R.; Jiménez-García, L.F. Changes in nuclear ribonucleoprotein constituents and chromatin disposition during neuronal differentiation and maturation. Biol. Cell. 48; 17-24; 1983.

Echeverría,O.M.; Díaz Osuna, J.; Hernández,I.; Sánchez, C.; Parra, R.; Hernández, R.; Vázquez Nin, G.H. Effects of progesterone on nuclear ribonucleoprotein constituents of endometrial cells of the rat. Acta Anatomica (Basilea)122; 205-221; 1985.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría, O.M.; Zavala, G.; Jiménez-García, L.F.; González, M.A.; Parra, R. Relations between nucleolar morphometric parameters and pre-rRNA synthesis in animal and plant cells. Acta Anatomica (Basilea) 126; 141-146; 1986.

Esquivel, C.; Rovira,P.; Echeverría, O.M.; Vázquez Nin, G.H. A simple staining method for chromatin in electron microscopy compatible with serial sectioning. Ultramicroscopy, 21;103-109; 1987.

Jiménez-García, L.F.; Elizundia, J.M.; López-Zamorano, B.; Maciel, A.; Zavala, G.; Echeverría, O.M.; Vázquez Nin, G.H. Implications for evolution of nuclear structures of animals, plants, fungi and protoctists. BioSystems 22; 103-116; 1989.

Hernández Pando, R.; Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Zavala, G. Ultrastructural study of ribonucleoproteic constituents and chromatin disposition in various cells of Hodgking's disease. Arch. Invest. Méd. (México). 19; 173-181; 1988.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Ortiz, A.; López, A.; Echeverría, O.M. Electron microscope study of ribonucleoprotein polyparticles and their relation to perichromatin granules. Biol. Cell. 65; 133-138; 1989.

Esquivel, C.; Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverria, O. Evidence of repetitive pattern of chromatin distribution in cell nuclei of rat liver. Acta Anatomica (Basilea) 136; 94-98; 1989.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Fakan S., Leser G., Martin T.E. Immunoelectron microscope localization of snRNPs in the polytene nucleus of salivary glands of Chironomus thummi. Chromosoma(Berlin) 99; 44-51; 1990.

Vázquez Nin,G.H.; Echeverría, O.; Fakan, S.; Traish, A.; Wotiz, H.; Martin, T.E. Immunoelectron microscopic localization of estrogen receptor on pre-mRNA containing constituents of rat uterine cell nuclei. Exp. Cell Res. 192; 396-404; 1991.

Echeverría O.M., Pagán Santini R., Vázquez Nin G.H. Effects of testosterone on nuclear ribonucleoprotein components of prostate epithelial cells. Biol. Cell. 72; 223-229; 1991.

Moreno Díaz de la Espina, S., Minguez, A., Vázquez Nin, G.H., Echeverría, O.M. Fine structural organization of a non-reticulate nucleus. An ultracytochemical and immunocytochemical study.Chromosoma (Berlin) 101;311-321; 1992.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría O.M.; Mínguez A.; Moreno Díaz de la Espina, S.; Fakan, S.; Martin, T.E. Ribonucleoprotein components of root meristematic cell nuclei of the tomato characterized by application of mild loosening and immunocytochemistry. Exp. Cell Res. 200; 431-438; 1992.

Jiménez GarcíaL. F., Agredano Moreno L.T., Segura Valdez M. de L., Echeverría O.M., Martínez E., Ramos C.H., Vázquez Nin G.H. The ultrastructure study of the interphase cell nucleus of Lacandonia schismatica (Lacandoniaceae: Triuridales) reveals a non-typical extranucleolar particle. Biol. Cell 75, 101-110, 1992.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Carbajal M.E., Tanguay R.M., Diez J.L., Fakan S. Immunoelectron microscope localization of Mr 90 000 heat shock protein and Mr 70 000 heat shock cognate protein in the salivary glands of Chironomus thummi. Chromosoma 102; 50-59; 1992.

Zavala G., Aguilar X., Jiménez-García L.F., Echeverría O.M., Vázquez Nin G.H. Changes in the ribonucleoprotein constituents of the nucleus during differentiation of muscle cells in the chick embryo. Biol Cell 76; 159-165; 1992.

Vazquez Nin G.H., Flores E., Echeverría O.M., Merkert H., Wettstein R., Benavente R. Immunocytochemical localization of DNA in synaptonemal complexes of rat and mouse spermatocytes and chick oocytes. Chromosoma 102;457-463; 1993.

Jiménez-García L.F., Segura-Valdez M.de L., Ochs R.L., Echeverría O.M., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Busch H. Electron microscopic localization of ribosomal DNA in rat liver nucleoli by non-isotopic in situ hybridization. Exptl. Cell Res. 207;220-225; 1993.

Echeverría O.M., Jiménez-García L.F., González-Cerón G., Elizundia J.M., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Cytochemical and autoradiographic study of the nucleus of a symbiotic dinoflagellate. Caryologia 46, 261-274; 1993.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Boutinard Rouelle-Rossier V., Fakan S. A new type of ribonucleoprotein constituent of the polytene nucleus of the salivary gland of Chironous thummi and Ch. tentans. Chromosoma 102; 693-699; 1993.

Abolhassani-Dadras S., Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Boutinard Rouelle-Rossier V., Fakan S. ESI in situ analyses of extrachromosomal RNP granules. J. Microscopy 174; 233-238; 1994.

Vázquez Nin, G.H.; Echeverría O.; Fakan, S.; Leser, G.; Martin, T.E. Immunocytochemical characterization of nuclear ribonucleoprotein polyparticles in cells of the central nervous system of the rat. Eur. J. Cell Biol.65; 291-297; 1994.

Agredano-Moreno L., Jiménez-García L.F., Echeverría O.M., Mártinez E., Ramos C., Vázquez Nin G.H. Cytochemical and immunocytochemical study of nuclear structures of Lacandonia schismatica. Biol. Cell 82; 177-184;1994.

Echeverría O.M., González-Maciel A., Traish A.M., Wotiz H.H., Ubaldo E., Vázquez Nin G.H. Immuno-electron microscopic localization of estradiol receptor in cells of male and female reproductive and non-reproductive organs. Biol. Cell. 81; 257-265; 1994.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Biggiogera M., Echeverría O.M. Activation of osmium ammine by SO2-generating chemicals for electron microscopy Feulgen-type staining of DNA. Eur. J. Histochemistry 39, 101-106, 1995.

López-Velázquez G., Márquez J., Ubaldo E., Corkidi G., Echeverría O., Vázquez Nin G.H. Three-dimensional analysis of the arrangement of compact chromatin in the nucleus of G0 rat lymphocytes. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 105; 153-161; 1996.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M. The polytene nucleus in morphological, cytochemical, and functional studies of messenger RNA transcription, processing, and transportation. European J. Histochemistry 40; 7-16; 1996.

Abolhassani-Dadras S., Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Fakan S. Image-EELS for in situ estimation of phosphorus content of RNP granules. J. Microscopy 183; 215-222; 1996.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Abolhassani-Dadras S., Echeverría O.M., Boutinard Rouelle-Rossier V., Fakan S. Phosphorus distribution in perichromatin granules and surrounding nucleoplasm as visualized by electron spectroscopic imaging. Biol. Cell 87; 171-177; 1996.

Flores-Rivera E., Villegas-Castrejón H., Vázquez Nin G.H. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis of the synaptonemal complex at the initiation of synapsis. Ginecol. Obstet Mex. 64; 184-191; 1996.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Abolhassani-Dadras S., Echeverría O.M., Boutinard-Rouelle-Rossier V., von Shack M.L., Fakan S. Electron spectroscopic imaging analyses of the distribution of phosphorus in Balbiani ring granules and in the surrounding nucleoplasm. Chromosoma 105; 360-368; 1997.

González Oliver A., Echeverría O.M., Hernández Pando R., Vázquez Nin G.H. Ultrastructural study of the nuclei of normal, dysplastic, and carcinomatous cells of the human cervix uteri. Ultrastruct. Pathology 21; 379-392; 1997.

Zavala G., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Changes of ribonucleoproteic structures of embryonic epidermal cell nuclei during differentiation and maturation. Biol. Cell 89; 245-255; 1997.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Ortiz R., Ubaldo E., Fakan S. Effects of hypophyseal hormones on transcription and RNA export to the cytoplasm. Exp. Cell Res. 236; 519-526; 1997.

Echeverría O.M., Hernández-Pando R., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Ultrastructural cytochemical and immunocytochemical study of nuclei and cytoskeleton of thyroid papillary carcinoma cells Ultrastructural Pathology. 22; 185-197; 1998.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Jiménez-García L.F., Echeverría O.M., Guzmán A., Coeto-Barona G., Nava-Ruiz C. Correlation of the changes of the frequency of perichromatin granules with the RNA content of the interchromatin region of uterine cells in normal and ovariectomized rats. A high resolution in situ hybridization and stereological study. Biol. Cell 91; 109-115; 1999.

Echeverría O.M., Moreno Díaz de la Espina S., Jiménez-García L.F., Vázquez Nin G.H. Supramolecular organization of a chromocentric plant nucleus. Biol. Cell 91; 209-219; 1999.

Méndez M.C., Chávez B., Echeverría O.M., Vázquez Nin G.H., Pedernera E. Evidence for estrogen receptor expression in germ cells and somatic cells subpopulations in the ovary of newly hatched chicken. Cell Tissue Res. 298; 145-152; 1999.

Bassy O., Jiménez-García L.F., Echeverría O.M., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Moreno Díaz de la Espina S. High resolution detection of rRNA and rDNA in plant nucleoli with different activities by in situ hybridization. Biol Cell 92; 59-70; 2000.

Zavala G., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Analysis of nuclear ribonucleoproteic structures during notochordal cell differentiation and maturation in chick embryos. Anat. Rec. 259; 113-123; 2000.

Ortiz R., Echeverría O.M., Ubaldo E., Carlos A., Scassellati C., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Cytochemical study of the distribution of RNA and DNA in the synaptonemal complex of guinea-pig and rat spermatocytes. Eur. J. Histochemistry 46; 133-142; 2002.

Echeverría O.M., Benavente R., Ortiz R., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis of the XY body in rat and guinea pig. European J. Histochemistry 47; 45-54; 2003.

Vázquez-Nin G. H., Echeverría O. M., Ortiz R., Scassellati C., Martin T. E., Van Dick E., Dahmus M. E., Ubaldo E., Fakan S. Fine structural and cytochemical analysis of homologous chromosome recognition, alignment, and pairing in guinea pig spermatogonia and spermatocytes. Biol Rep. 69; 1362-1370; 2003.

Echeverría O. M., Thampan R. V., Juarez-Chavero S., Hernández-Pérez A. D., Ortiz R., Vázquez- Nin G. H. Immunocytochemical study of estrogen receptor activation factor (E-RAF) and the proteins that interact with nuclear estrogen receptor II (nER II) in epithelial endometrial cells, in the presence and in the absence of estradiol. European Journal of Histochemistry 49; 67-74; 2005.

Echeverría O. M., Thampan R. V., Juarez-Chavero S., Hernández-Pérez A. D., Ortiz R., Vázquez- Nin G. H. Immunocytochemical study of estrogen receptor activation factor (E-RAF) and the proteins that interact with nuclear estrogen receptor II (nER II) in epithelial endometrial cells, in the presence and in the absence of estradiol. European Journal of Histochemistry 49; 67-74; 2005.

R. Ortiz, O. M. Echeverría, R. Salgado, M. L. Escobar and G. H. Vázquez-Nin Fine structural and cytochemical analysis of the processes of cell death of oocytes in atretic follicles in new born and prepubertal rats. Apoptosis 11; 25–37; 2006.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Juárez- Chavero S. Integration of morphological and cytophysiological studies on estrogen receptor. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.246; 163–164; 2006

Echeverría O.M., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Juárez-Chavero S., Moreno Díaz de la Espina S. Firing transcription and compartmentalization of splicing factors in tomato radicle nuclei during germination. Biol. Cell 99; 519-530; 2007.

Hernández-Hernández A., Rincón-Arano H., Recillas-Targa F., Ortiz R., Valdes-Quezada Ch., Echeverría O., Benavente R., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Differential distribution and association of repeat DNA sequences in the lateral element of the synaptonemal complex in rat spermatocytes.Chromosoma, 117; 77-87; 2008.

R. Ortiz, O. M. Echeverría, R. Salgado, M. L. Escobar and G. H. Vázquez-Nin Fine structural and cytochemical analysis of the processes of cell death of oocytes in atretic follicles in new born and prepubertal rats. Apoptosis 11; 25–37; 2006.

Vázquez Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Juárez- Chavero S. Integration of morphological and cytophysiological studies on estrogen receptor. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.246; 163–164; 2006

Echeverría O.M., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Juárez-Chavero S., Moreno Díaz de la Espina S. Firing transcription and compartmentalization of splicing factors in tomato radicle nuclei during germination. Biol. Cell 99; 519-530; 2007.

Hernández-Hernández A., Rincón-Arano H., Recillas-Targa F., Ortiz R., Valdes-Quezada Ch., Echeverría O., Benavente R., Vázquez-Nin G.H. Differential distribution and association of repeat DNA sequences in the lateral element of the synaptonemal complex in rat spermatocytes. Chromosoma, 117; 77-87; 2008.

Escobar M.L., Echeverría O.M., Ortiz R., Vázquez Nin G.H. Combined apoptosis and autophagy, the process that eliminates the oocytes of atretic follicles in immature rats. Apoptosis 13; 1253-1266; 2008.

Hernández-Hernández A., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Echeverría O.M., Recillas-Targa F.Review. Chromatin structure contribution to synaptonemal complex formation. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. Basel, 66; 1198-1208; 2009.

Rouquette J, Genoud C, Vazquez-Nin GH, Kraus B, Cremer T, Fakan S. 2009. Revealing the high-resolution three-dimensional network of chromatin and interchromatin space: a novel electron-microscopic approach to reconstructing nuclear architecture. Chromosome Res.17(6):801-810

Vázquez-Echeverría C., Zavala G., Chávez B., Echeverría M. OM., Vázquez-Nin G.H., Segura Valdez ML., Jiménez García LF. 2009. Evidencia Ultraestructural del Nucleolo de Entamoeba histolytica. TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas. 12(1):34-37.

Hernández-Hernández A, Ortiz R, Ubaldo E, Echeverría Martínez OM, Vázquez-Nin GH, Recillas-Targa F. 2010. Synaptonemal complex stability depends on repressive histone marks of the lateral element-associated repeat sequences. Chromosoma. 119:41-58.

Escobar ML, Echeverría OM, Sánchez-Sánchez L, Méndez C, Pedernera E, Vázquez-Nin GH. 2010. Analysis of different cell death processes of prepubertal rat oocytes in vitro. Apoptosis.15(4):511-526.


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