Encabezado Facultad de Ciencias

Presentación del grupo 7077 - 2009-2.

Project in Computer Game Development : Programming

Instructors: Ana Luisa Solis, UNAM, México; Peter Mattson, University of Skövde, Sweden

Assistants: José Israel Figueroa, Tania Patiño

Class Hours: Monday thru Friday 9-10 am

Classroom: Visual Computing/Technological Innovation Lab, Tlahuizcalpan Building, Faculty of Science, UNAM

1 Academic Calendar

February 3th – May 29th UNAM

March 30th - June 5th , UNAM/University of Skövde, Sweden

2 Languages: Spanish-English

3 Location: On UNAM Campus and distance wise course from University of Skövde

4 Teaching

The teaching comprises lectures, supervision and seminars.

The teaching is normally conducted in Spanish and English

5 Examination

The course is graded Fail or Pass.

6 Registration of examination

Project work and assignments

7 Admission Requirements

Programming skills for C or C++, C#

Undergraduate computer graphics

Undergraduate software engineering

8 Objectives

After finished course the student shall be able to:

  • Work in a project with iterative development,
  • Implement and validate project goals,
  • Plan and structure programming tasks in a project context
  • Implement parts of a game design on a technically constraining platform
  • Successfully complete a project focusing on a given quality aspect and
  • Present, document and reflect on their work in the project.

9 Content

The course provides students with additional experience of development and implementation of a game design in a project context. The project focuses on the finished product and explicit goals are set for the students. These goals must be met using programming techniques and must be validated at the end of the project.

The project is performed using iterative development and provides opportunities for students to individually plan and structure their tasks in the project.

The game developed during the project is required to meet a certain quality aspect, such as performance or dependability. Since the project involves students from multiple study programs in the game development field, the course allows students to experience planning and execution of a multidisciplinary project.

The course thus provides an environment similar to that of a real-world game development project.


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